Monday, May 16, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fame, Fortune and Faerys

So, I’m totally famous now.  Yeah, that’s right.  I have a tiny 20 word blurb on the back page of my local newspaper’s Go! Weekend section.  Boo yah!  Jealous??  It’s so hard being a celebrity…

As for fortune… well, I’m not rich yet, but I will be if I hit my goal of selling 5 books tomorrow night at my book signing!  Yes, with my cut at approximately $0.50 per book, I’d be looking at a total royalty check of $2.50 if I sell 5! Yessssss!  Early retirement here I come!

I’m very obviously in a sarcastic mood this evening, but don’t take this as negativity, because I’m actually really excited about my book tour starting tomorrow.  And even I can’t pretend to deny the pride I felt at my little tiny mention in the newspaper!  Sarcasm is just a preemptive defense mechanism, hahaha.

My mom wrote this in response to the newspaper post:  “Wow!  I’m impressed!!!!”  She rarely compliments me and I definitely took that as a compliment.   (Mom, don’t be mad; this is the price you pay to have a famous daughter).

This is going to be a very busy weekend, but I’ll try to post updates and if I have any pictures I’ll post them too from my book tour.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also, I’m going to have a spot on The Book Faery’s Blog this Sunday.  This is a big deal because the owner of the blog, Kristi, has been chosen by a major publisher to receive Advanced Reader Copies of books prior to being officially released. 

Yet, she has taken her very valuable time to read my little inconsequential book, Inevitable and has chosen to feature it in her “Indie Love” spot—the first ever!  Thank you Kristi!   When the post is ready, I’ll be sure to let you all know.

As always, thanks for reading!! 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Awesome new reviews by book bloggers as well as a new link on my blog…

Hey!  I just wanted to post the following two review links on my site because they are amazing and I can’t thank the authors enough:

Also, I’ve added the Preface and Chapter 1 for anyone who may want a preview before purchase!  Click here to read. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Ebb and Flow of Being a Published Author…

Yesterday was a bad day.  I had already had some insecure feelings about INEVITABLE and its future as a bestseller starting this past Sunday.   My premonition was confirmed when I received an email at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from my publisher that stated that all book signings would be delayed due to Borders filing Chapter 11.  Undoubtedly, this has caused a lot of instability in the retail book world.
So I felt like crap last night and decided that I am giving up marketing and it’s pointless, blah, blah, blah.  But then, something great happened.  Another book blogger replied to me and here’s what she had to say:

Hi Kate-

Not sure if you check Twitter a lot, but last night I posted that your book kept me up late! I could NOT put it down. It was so incredibly fantastic and I can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to read and review it for you. I am still thinking about it this morning. It was so intense and I loved every minute of it!!

My tentative date for your review posting is going to be Tue 4/12. If not then it will be Thu 4/14.

Thanks again!


Today is a good day J

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Important – Read especially if you already purchased my book!

Okay, so I received my two copies to proof last week and I rejected them because they were missing Section breaks that I believe are vital to the story.

The publisher agreed to add the section breaks.  Today, I heard from them that Inevitable would be released on March 10th, 2011. 

That’s great, but I know some of you already purchased a copy and so I asked the publisher if they were shipping copies without the section breaks and they said it’s possible and you have two options:

1.     Return the book to them and they’ll ship the correct version.

OR  (and this cracks me up!)

2.     “They may want to keep in mind that these few books will be limited editions and may be worth quite a bit of money some day.”

My suggestion… rather than spend extra money with return shipping, keep this in mind as it is  VERY IMPORTANT while reading or you might get confused…

Section 1 (Part 1) begins on page 1, Chapter 1.

Section 2  (Part 2) begins on page 76, Chapter 7

Section 3 (Part 3) begins on page 190, Chapter 15
Section 4  (Part 4) begins on page 203, Chapter 16
Section 5  (Part 5) begins on page 240, Chapter 19

Sorry for the mistake! 

Also, my formal apology to Colin Blair who I feel designed a fantastic cover… it’s off center and unfortunately that will not be fixed.

Trust me, I tried!

Thanks for all of your support—you’re all amazing!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Guess what I have in my hands!!!!

Yes, you guessed it... my laptop!

Okay, but also, I have the first 2 copies of INEVITABLE on my coffee table!!  Yes!  I think it's going to be for sale this Friday, but I have to approve of these two copies and since I'm not going to gripe about lack of margin space or little things like that, then unless I catch something in the first 5 pages, I will give the thumbs up!

Also, I'm very excited because they gave credit to the cover artist, Colin Blair, and I was afraid they wouldn't because he had to sign a release.  Anyway, I'm excited and will be posting more soon!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Release Target: February 25th

So it looks like my publisher's website must have a typo because they told me yesterday that their anticipated release date for Inevitable is February 25th.  I'm nervous!!  That's all for now.  I've been so busy lately preparing for my big move, etc.  What an exciting/stressful time!   More soon...


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Unsure of release date... sorry!

Well, my publisher had been trying to push INEVITABLE out for a February 5th release date, but it's still not for sale yet.  Yesterday, they contacted me about reformatting the cover a little bit (something with the spine measurements).  Anyway, I'll keep everyone as up-to-date as I am.  Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Inevitable for sale February 5, 2011... I think!

Okay, so I haven't had direct contract from my publisher about the release date of INEVITABLE yet, but according to the Products page on their website, it will be available February 5, 2011.  I will update you when I know more details!


        February 5th of 2011 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I’m so happy because I received my first unbiased review and it was pretty good…

The target audience for my book, INEVITABLE, is young adults and women.  My editor, ironically, is a man and I just wanted to share a few quotes from him after reading the book, though I must say I can’t post everything he wrote because it would give away a lot of the book.

From Matthew:

“Your novel is honestly the most emotionally…satisfying book that I've ever read……………….The paradoxes in this book would make for good essays in Literary Journals.”

Okay, so that’s actually all I can reveal and it turns out not to be a lot since I had to delete 4 paragraphs of his thoughts, but anyway, it made me happy!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My First Blog!! (Generic title, I know...)

Hi, my name is Kate Bennett and I’m thrilled to bring you my first novel, Inevitable.  I began writing this page in “third person” and then I realized that this is my page and I should tell you who I am in my own words and not through some robotic voice.  So who am I?

I am twenty eight years old and I hail from a somewhat small town in Pennsylvania.  I obviously enjoy writing and can’t believe that I can officially call myself a published author!  Reading has been one of my favorite escapes for as long as I can remember, though, I must admit, writing wasn’t always my goal in life. 

I always liked to write, but I lacked an essential requirement: confidence.  Then, one day, after reading what I consider to be a life changing novel, I couldn’t ignore the characters in my head any longer and I decided to start writing down their stories, grammatical errors and all.   I realized that I don’t need to be a perfect writer and yes, I have days when I cringe thinking about how my mother might read a “love scene” in a novel of mine, but I try not to care, because I enjoy it so much.

What else can I tell you about myself?  I have a beautiful daughter, Olivia, who is my absolute reason for living.  I have a day job that has nothing whatsoever to do with writing, but I love it anyway.  I have awesome friends who make me laugh and who accept me with all my quirks:  Carmen, Ruby, Rebecca, Abby and Jill (Jail!).  I have a very big family and can’t imagine what my life would be like without them.  I love to travel and watch comedy movies—not necessarily at the same time, though that could work. 

Well, that’s enough for now, but I will try to update this page every so often so that it doesn’t get too stale. 
